Failed to Deliver - Partnership NOT Confirmed - LimoAnywhere FARM-IN
Hi Team,
An Operator is attempting to Partner with you via GNet. Please confirm the Partnership Request to receive their reservations in LimoAnywhere via GNet:
Login to your GNet Dashboard - Select the Partners tab to the left, and then the sub-tab "Received Invitations"
Find the Company who sent in the partnership request
Confirm by clicking Accept.
- Next, lookup the CUSTOMER ACCOUNT# in Limo Anywhere system for partner.
- It's a RED numeric number on the top right of the Accounts detail screen.
- Return to GNet Dashboard and click on “Partners” menu -
- Click on the corresponding Partner entry, in the customer profile fill in the PINK field with the ACCOUNT number from Limo Anywhere.
- Click SAVE.
Once you do this, those reservations should flow through.
Thank you,
GRiDD Support